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Von ossiu am 20.04.07

Before The Music Dies (B4MD)...

... ist einer dieser seltenen Filme, die das Lob, das sie einheimsen, auch wirklich verdienen. Wer ihn noch nicht (wo auch immer) gesehen hat, hier ist der Trailer:

Und hier ist, was die Kollegen von DivX.com dazu zu sagen haben:

"The 90-minute documentary-style portrayal of the music industry is riveting. Critics call it a must-see for all music fans. Paying tribute to the richness of American music, B4MD analyzes the modern music industry and criticizes its obsession with raking in profits over developing true musical talent. The business of media is also fair game to the filmmakers, who blame shrinking corporate ownership in radio for the endless stream of monotonous, mass produced hits that passes for programming today.

The film is not all doom and gloom, however. B4MD concludes on an optimistic note, by looking to digital technologies and the Internet to free musicians from the business constraints imposed by profit-seeking record label executives."

Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen. Außer: Angucken! Und die B4MD Website (mit sehr feinem Zusatzmaterial) besuchen